Andrea M. 36 years old from Vaihingen – The way out of the debt trap
Andrea M. is 36 years old and lives in Vaihingen. She is a single mother of two children after her partner of five years moved out. Although he actually maintenance payments He doesn't pay a cent. The situation was difficult from the beginning, but when the financial support from relatives and friends stopped, everything became even more complicated.
The costs for the kindergarten amount to 250 euros per place , and when both her dryer and her car broke down, Andrea was forced to take out a loan from Media Markt Thanks to their 36-hour jobs She was able to take out a loan from the retail trade, but the monthly installments put additional pressure on her already tight budget.
Andrea still wanted to give her children good clothes buy and treat herself to something. She used services like Klarna installment payment and PayPal to be able to afford things. But in the background, the mountain of debt steadily increasing. The debt collection letter accumulated, and although they repeatedly After making payment arrangements and paying her installments in an exemplary manner, the financial burden eventually became too great.
Sleepless nights and extreme financial burden
The situation became unbearable for Andrea. Sleepless nights , constant stress and the fear of not being able to provide the children with the basic necessities determined their everyday lives. The pressure of financial burden was so great that she could hardly concentrate on her work and her family. She felt like everything was slipping away from her, and the debt-related exhaustion got worse and worse.
The bailiff knocks on the door
One day the bailiff in front of the door. He took the last items that could be seized. Andrea was shocked, but that was not the end. A second bailiff visit followed, but there was nothing left to seize. Andrea had to statutory declaration that she no longer had anything.
The turning point: help from debt counseling
In her desperation, she turned to the Debt counseling SCC in Echterdingen . There she finally found psychological, moral and financial support. With the help of the counselors, a bankruptcy petition which, after a long struggle, paved the way for her to escape the debt trap.
Debt-free and a new beginning
After three years, Andrea finally received the Debt relief . It is now debt-free and has learned through this hard time, how to handle money properly . The bankruptcy was a challenge, but she emerged from it stronger. Today she has her finances under control again, can provide her children with everything they need and feels happy and relieved .
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